Archive | March 2019

Pets influencing from the Other Side

I met a woman yesterday while at Chimayo Rocks (great Espanola, NM crystals/gem shop) who had lost her beloved little dog in the past few days after a neighbor’s Rottweiler mauled it. 😦 Understandably, she was very emotional.  While talking to her, she mentioned that this cat her family had never seen before suddenly showed up at her trailer’s front door…and then marched on into her home and acted like it had lived there forever.  It totally made itself at home.  As she was telling me this, I got a strong “hit” that the soul of her dog had sent the cat, that the dog was influencing it.  I told her that and it seemed to give her some peace.

This is not the first time I’ve heard a story like this.  Years ago in Los Angeles this couple told me that after they’d lost their black dog, 3 days later this black cat showed up at their front door…and marched on into their house, went up the stairs to the 2nd floor, jumped up on their bed, and curled up in the exact spot their dog had always slept on.  Clearly, their dog had sent the cat.

When Bodhi passed on September 25, 2012, besides the fact that he walked into the kitchen in spirit 3 days later…freaking out Chakra, one day I suddenly heard Karma howling like she was being tortured.  I’d never heard her howl like that.  I dropped what I was doing in the kitchen and ran to the bathroom, where I found her sitting in the bathtub at the water faucet…with this look on her face of “Mom!  Turn the water on!”  She kept looking at the faucet.  I turned the water on with a small stream of water, and she calmed down, seemed happy, and watched the water flow.  I can’t remember now, but I do think she started drinking the flowing water.  Now, anyone who has cats knows that a lot of cats LOVE to drink from water faucets (Bleu is obsessed and won’t drink from a bowl), but Karma had NEVER EVER shown interest in running water, especially in the bathtub.  Bodhi is the one who did that all the time.  Karma took on Bodhi’s old behavior, and continued to do so for a long time.  I am convinced Bodhi, in spirit, was influencing Karma to sit in the tub and ask to drink running water.

I just found this video shortly before Bodhi crossed over the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly, as he sat in the tub.  I miss him and Karma every single day.

So, not only can our beloved pets give us other types of signs from the Other Side of the veil, they can indeed influence other animals to show us they are still around in spirit.

Update:  I forgot to add that the kitty that marched into the Espanola woman’s trailer this week is pregnant and about to have kittens any minute.  So the family will have A LOT of pets, courtesy of their dog in spirit. 🙂

In Light,


The Wisdom Keepers

When I attempted to meditate with Chakra in my lap this morning, I kept “seeing” this image again that a wild dolphin telepathically sent me in 2002 off the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii as it “said” to me THIS WILL HEAL YOU.


I couldn’t meditate because I kept feeling like I was going to go into trance, so I decided to set up my new cell phone to attempt channeling (since I’ve not done any in a while)…and…yep.  A group that referred to themselves as The Wisdom Keepers came through.  I hope you learn something interesting from this video.  You can fast forward to about 2:55 minutes if you get bored watching me take forever to speak.  Oh, and yes, Chakra makes a guest appearance in the background.  She’s a ham.  Ha!

Enjoy your day, now that most of us will have an extra hour of daylight in the evenings!

In Light,
