Raw Food and Ghosts

A huge thanks to my psychic medium friend in Denver for turning me onto Dr. Robert Morse!  I can’t believe I’ve never heard of him before.  Not only is he a huge raw fruit and veggie fan from a health standpoint, but he also addresses the energetic, spiritual, and soul aspect of food.  Dr. Morse is a wonderful mixture of awesome nutritional/health info combined with the spiritual importance of food as we ARE vibrational beings.  He’s got truckloads of videos to watch.  I started off with this one that mentions hypoglycemia, since I am hypoglycemic.  I recently had major improvement in a few health issues by cutting out grains, beans (except peanuts), and potatoes…but have also cut way back in carbohydrates…which is starting to backfire and I don’t see a low carb diet as sustainable long term.  After watching some of Dr. Morse’s videos, I think the improvements I’ve noticed with my edema, digestion, and blood sugar are from cutting out grains, beans, and taters….NOT the low carb/high fat aspect.  I will increase my fruit intake and cut back on tons of nut/seed butters tomorrow to see how I feel.

As a follow-up to an earlier post about the suspected vortex in my kitchen…well…yep…something is definitely going on in my apartment.  I tried to find a neighbor this evening to ask if they’ve been having weird things happen, but, oddly, no one was around!  I will ask whenever I do see someone though and post in the comments section.  Anyway, last week I had this BOOM/BANG happen so freaking loud in my left ear during the night after a very vivid dream that I literally jumped a foot off the bed.  Okay, I’m exaggerating, but I JUMPED.  Now, my right ear is normally my clairaudient ear, so that made it even weirder.  I wrote it off as just some new “adjustment” of my energy system, but last night just before 1 a.m. and after another very vivid dream (normally I don’t dream much), there was loud banging in what sounded like the bathroom.  Now this I heard externally…like with my regular ears…where the left ear boom last week felt more internal/clairaudient.  I was too tired to get up and look and found the noise in the bathroom just annoying, not scary by any means.  Then, two minutes later, there is banging and cabinet door slamming going on in the kitchen.  At that point, I just assumed it was Bleu being a pain in the butt.  My male lynx point Siamese has an aggravating habit of trying to get into cabinets by pulling the doors and slamming them numerous times before he can fling them open far enough to actually climb into the cabinet.  Just as I was about to get up and stagger into the kitchen to tell him to stop it, I saw him sleeping…or at least laying…underneath the bedroom window.  UH OH.  Unless he was having an OBE and was in the kitchen that way, it wasn’t him.

One person suggested that I might be causing the poltergeist/ghost activity, but I always think of that as what happens with kids around puberty age.  Granted, I’m now at the other end of the hormone spectrum and major estrogen/progesterone shifts are happening, but I am not convinced it’s me causing it.  I do live on tribal land, but from what I know, this property was never a burial ground or anything like that.

I will say that since my guides gave me a very specific image to meditate on (not that I’m disciplined enough to actually meditate DAILY like I should) 2-3 weeks ago, some really cool stuff has been happening.  It’s definitely activating something.  My clairvoyance has never been my strongest gift, but lately it’s been opening up dramatically.  I’m seeing movies in my head of stuff happening, for example.  And  I can clearly feel energy swirling around my head when I focus on the image.  Also, I’ve been feeling like both of my ears are being tuned or something lately.  That is hard to explain in words.

After the visit with Alora and friends at Chaco Canyon, I have clearly felt my Pleiadian friends around A LOT.  I still don’t know why they feel the need to pull on my 3rd eye while driving though.  That’s been happening for many years (started in Los Angeles) but is increasing.  Now I just say out loud (thank God I have tinted windows so fellow drivers can’t see me talking to myself…haha), “I know you’re there.  Do you really need to do this now?!”  They then back off.  In Los Angeles long ago, one morning while driving on Beverly Blvd. it was so annoying…the sensation of my consciousness being pulled out of my forehead…that I yelled, “I know you’re there!  Let me see you!”  And, sure enough, BLIP!  There was a 1 second flash of a UFO right ahead of me.

And speaking of Los Angeles, I’ve been remotely considering moving back to the L.A. area but after what happened in much smaller Albuquerque last weekend, I’m not sure I can handle a HUGE city like Los Angeles now.  Granted, ABQ has major crime and other problems, but the way the energy of the city affected me was not good.  At first I got distracted with real shopping malls and distractions like that, which I do miss up here where I live…but quickly the joy of Victoria’s Secret and Forever 21 wore off.  Once I stepped outside Coronado Center, I felt almost attacked with hostile, stressful, angry energy.  I couldn’t take it.  I forced myself to quickly go to Old Town ABQ because I love that area, but rushed through it as fast as I could (taking lots of pictures for Instagram).  I literally said to myself, “Get me the heck out of here and back to the rez!”  I couldn’t get out of Albuquerque fast enough.  The shift in energy once I got about 20 miles from Santa Fe was dramatically better.  I’m concerned that my system has gotten used to much less populated places where there is a lot more nature and that I may never be able to handle an exciting major city again.  Okay, I just read that and can’t help but think, “And that’s a BAD thing WHY?  Don’t forget, when you used to live in Los Angeles, a holistic doctor in Tesuque diagnosed you with NATURE DEFICIENCY.”  I’m not kidding.  Through kinesiology my body told him I was nature deficient.  For months and months I had been saying to my sister that I felt starved for nature…and…yep.

This post has been all over the place, but the Cliff Notes version is:  Eat lots of fruit, live in a small town surrounded my nature, and do energetic protection daily while letting ghosts and/or ETs know who’s boss. 🙂

In light,


2 thoughts on “Raw Food and Ghosts

  1. 4:01 a.m. today…loud cabinet door slam in my kitchen. Before that, around 1 a.m. I heard knocking on my front door but no one was there. My sister in Los Angeles also had knocking on her apartment door in the middle of the night!

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