Is an alcohol intolerance a spiritual issue?


Since becoming hypoglycemic in November 2010, I’ve had to give up my beloved margaritas, cosmos, appletinis, lemon drops, and wine.  A half glass of wine made me deathly sick for 12 hours once.  A quarter of a glass of wine made me slurring my speech, dizzy, stumbling drunk once.  The corker was a couple of weeks ago when I risked it and sipped a tiny sample of wine at Trader Joe’s and got dizzy.  I mean, I literally only ingested about 1-1.5 tablespoons!  I miss wine so every few months I’ll try a little bit thinking that maybe with time I’ll be able to drink again.  I’m stubborn, but need to accept the fact that I can’t drink at all.

Now, for 3.5 years I’ve blamed my intolerance on my blood sugar problem, but after the Trader Joe’s fiasco, I started to suspect I’ve actually developed an alcohol allergy.  My body’s reaction to even minuscule amounts of alcohol is just too severe.  Then, while chatting with two people on Monday night, it was mentioned that psychic mediums, channels, lightworkers, etc. are not allowed to drink by spirit.  Guides block us from being able to drink!  One of the people said she has to ask her spirit guides for permission to drink any alcohol.  Now, I find that kind of funny!

Now that I think about it, alcohol does supposedly lower your vibration.  And since you need to be able to tap into higher vibratory levels when you do psychic work, it does make sense that your body would reject it.

I’d love to hear from any other psychics, healers, mediums, and channels if they too cannot drink without getting sick.

Carrie (Atheria)

17 thoughts on “Is an alcohol intolerance a spiritual issue?

  1. I figured it has to do with the lightworker’s energetic sensitivity. A long time ago, I used to eat as much as everything, until I’m starting to develop an intolerance to certain foods that made me “psychically” toxic to my system. As the result, I reduce my sugar and gluten intake. If I want to eat bread, I eat in small amounts. Due to my body type, I eat more proteins and vegetables, and instead of soda, I drink teas. I felt a simple change in my diet makes a significant increase in my energy, and helps me ground to Earth more, and part of it, my soul is not a Earthly native.

  2. Carrie – I had to give up alcohol (and red meat, dairy, cane sugar, and other foods deemed unhealthy) for a very specific health reason in 2008, but it do believe that it was necessary for me to do in order to develop fully as a medium. Many of my good friends who are also mediums have had to give up alcohol for (different) health reasons as well…so I would say that “the Universe” does seem to disapprove of energy workers imbibing!

    • Can I just say this all sucks?! 🙂 My body seems to be becoming increasingly sensitive to various foods. My digestive system has never been good, but it’s quickly becoming extremely sensitive and picky about what I eat and I feel like I’m having solar plexus issues big time. I don’t know why it never dawned on me that any of this could be connected to my spiritual work.

      • The same thing happened to me and from my research most lightworkers. I’m 26 and in the process of going raw vegan like so many other llightworkers have and they are getting the results in life I want. We are more sensitive to everything! Toxic food, beverages and people . Also we feel the toxicity and pain from animals in animal products! And we know at a deeper level we are not intended to partake in animal flesh and must get back to the garden of eden where we came from! God bless , listen to your gut .literally! 😛

      • I am (as of a few days ago) back on a high raw diet and doing so much better. My digestive woes had gotten totally unbearable. I’m not perfect yet, but in just a few days there is noticeable improvement, thank goodness. And yes, I’m also getting toxic people and other things out of my life. Best decision ever! 🙂 My only complaint is that the new all natural shampoo I bought recently doesn’t suds up well, which is common with shampoos not full of chemicals, but annoying. LOL

  3. This all makes perfect sense. I use to be able to drink anything and it did not upset me at all. Same with eating. My intuition guided me to go gluten free over a year ago and it’s the best thing I ever did for my energy levels. Intuition also kicked in about wine or any alcohol, so I just stopped and really have no desire for it. The other night I had a drink with friends celebrating. I was “sick as a dog”. So that proves that the alcohol is no good for me! I believe the energy shift is definitely affecting our physical bodies, as it should, to be able to accept the higher frequencies and do our light work. Thank you for bringing this subject to our attention. It is very valuable information..

  4. Miss Carrie and others,
    I do not think that not being able to drink is a problem. A problem considered can become negative thinking. Not being able to drink can either be a religious commitment, spiritual edict, a mental decision, a legal issue, cultural right/wrong or just an undesirable physical response.
    I also, do not think that not being able to drink, just stops with alcohol of any kind. This may also include any and every other mind altering substance regardless of legality or cultural acceptance. Such as sugars, caffeine and cigarettes. Each of you can logically ascertain what decisions have been made. After, all isn’t your body a temple? why would you consume something which causes a change into that which is impure?
    Do some research if you do not already know.
    The effects of auras from mind altering substances (Drinking).
    Demonic possessions on those who have partaken of mind altering substances and again it matters not the legality.
    I do not take any mind altering substances and it was than my choice. Oh yea, except the sugar and caffeine. Chocolate.
    Sometimes when many aspects of lies are full of lies and deceptions. The spirit world may pull you out of it. If that aspect of the spirit world has you best interests at heart.
    Good post and important, Miss Carrie.
    Be well, pray and meditate always.

    • My blood sugar is doing MUCH better and I can tolerate a bit of wine now. I do limit to one glass though and have been too afraid to test really sugary drinks.

  5. Wow, I actually was looking this kind of information, I truly believe I developed alcohol, drugs, cigarette and now coffee intolerance. I been meditating 6 years now, and this intolerance has been increasing to certain actions and food. It’s annoying, it’s like if you had an obligation for taking part into the spiritual world. Also you start to develop special capacities. It’s not funny as others would may think, I have fear pretty much all the time, and feel the urge to learn yoga increase the control of my mind.

  6. I come from powerful native american ancestry and believe what you’re asking is true.. As i developed spiritually and tuned in to realize, i too had certain ‘gifts’ and ‘sensitivities’, that the spirits or guides will make it so u are not decieved to hurt yourself in any form.. Use ur gut ans see it for what it really is “self harm”.. I love drinking even tho i do once in a great, while im filled with pain and suffering.. Its just ‘not for me’ unlike what i tell myself.. You take on much more of your surroundings then most and will feel more of what alcohol or “self harm” brings to you.. U need your vibration up there for the people.. U are not your own.. We are all connected.. I suffer horribly and longer than those around me and my gut feeling tells me its an Evil feeling.. Hope this help that one day you will find your answer here.. God bless.. All my relations..

  7. I come from powerful native american ancestry and believe what you’re asking is true.. As i developed spiritually and tuned in to realize, i too had certain ‘gifts’ and ‘sensitivities’, that the spirits or guides will make it so u are not decieved to hurt yourself in any form.. Use ur gut and see it for what it really is “self harm”.. Alcohol has power its deception.. Makes u think ur feeling good letting steam off but that feeling is a result of damage and perversion of the flesh.. Yes I love drinking even tho i do once in a great while, im left filled with pain and suffering.. Its for some but not everyone.. I react very badly to the poison and Its just ‘not for me’ unlike what i tell myself.. You take on much more of your surroundings then most and will feel more of what alcohol or “self harm” brings to you.. Like u feel all the bad vibes and spirits u attract to yourself.. U need your vibration up there for the people.. U are not your own.. We are all connected.. I suffer horribly and longer than those around me and my gut feeling tells me its an Evil feeling.. Hope this help that one day you will find your answer here.. God bless.. All my relations..

    • Thank you, Soowatsis, for your important feedback. I’m not off alcohol totally, but should probably limit it even more than I do. I heard this story from a fellow medium where she went into a bar one night to ask directions or something and she could see lower level spirits popping into and out of drunk people. Because they were drunk and not of a high enough vibration, any spirit passing by could easily take them over…NOT good.

  8. I’m an empath intuitive and incarnated angel aka ” psychic” and I’ve developed this ” allergy” as well. Sometimes if I pray over my wine I don’t become sick but sometimes a tiny amount makes me dizzy. So if I want 1 I do it at home where I’m safe. I believe my archangels are keeping me safe because at 1 point I was going to bars around dangerous ppl that were trying to harm me and my body said ENOUGH . also yes! Alcohol keeps lightworkers from elevating, seperating from the masses and thus getting our ” wings” it’s better if we just go with the flow. I stopped all alcohol, drugs and sex !✌ peace . In love & light 😘

    • Since that old post my blood sugar issues have improved a lot and I can tolerate a limited amount of alcohol. I usually have just one drink, if I have any at all. Yes, booze isn’t the best thing in terms of how it impacts your vibration.

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