Tag Archive | wine

Is an alcohol intolerance a spiritual issue?


Since becoming hypoglycemic in November 2010, I’ve had to give up my beloved margaritas, cosmos, appletinis, lemon drops, and wine.  A half glass of wine made me deathly sick for 12 hours once.  A quarter of a glass of wine made me slurring my speech, dizzy, stumbling drunk once.  The corker was a couple of weeks ago when I risked it and sipped a tiny sample of wine at Trader Joe’s and got dizzy.  I mean, I literally only ingested about 1-1.5 tablespoons!  I miss wine so every few months I’ll try a little bit thinking that maybe with time I’ll be able to drink again.  I’m stubborn, but need to accept the fact that I can’t drink at all.

Now, for 3.5 years I’ve blamed my intolerance on my blood sugar problem, but after the Trader Joe’s fiasco, I started to suspect I’ve actually developed an alcohol allergy.  My body’s reaction to even minuscule amounts of alcohol is just too severe.  Then, while chatting with two people on Monday night, it was mentioned that psychic mediums, channels, lightworkers, etc. are not allowed to drink by spirit.  Guides block us from being able to drink!  One of the people said she has to ask her spirit guides for permission to drink any alcohol.  Now, I find that kind of funny!

Now that I think about it, alcohol does supposedly lower your vibration.  And since you need to be able to tap into higher vibratory levels when you do psychic work, it does make sense that your body would reject it.

I’d love to hear from any other psychics, healers, mediums, and channels if they too cannot drink without getting sick.

Carrie (Atheria)