Is the current Biden a cloaked ET?

THIS VIDEO AND BLOG IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY…like all of my existence. The information presented is my opinion only. Please do your own internal and external research and listen to what you feel as a soul. I am not infallible, but I’ve been pretty darn accurate about recent events since 2021. A little while ago I channeled that 2024 was going to be a WEIRD year, and, yep. Right now I feel like we’re all living in The Twilight Zone. Things are not as they seem from a quick glance and many people have gone off the deep end.

This isn’t specifically related to what I talk about in today’s video, but please check out this post by David Icke and watch the upsettingly creepy video he linked about life nowadays. People have become zombies.

“Awakening realisation No 1: The world is insane and full of programmed people who think they are awake. No 2: See beyond the madness, including ‘alternative’ madness, and recall George Carlin: ‘They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.’ No 3: Awaken from The Dream because that’s all ‘the world’ really is – an induced Dream. Many children can see through it before the program kicks in. ‘Become as little children’, in the sense of life-program deletion, is good advice.

Here’s my video on Rumble:

June 23, 2024

Here’s my video on YouTube:

June 23, 2024

I keep comments turned off on most YouTube videos as I have no patience regarding trolls. I don’t make money doing any of this, so I also can’t spend a lot of time chatting on YouTube, etc. either. Rumble won’t let me turn off comments, so I usually delete them afterward.

I may try to post this on my Instagram account, but it might be too long of a video or not formatted correctly. You can find me at

I may start posting more stuff because I’m rotting to death in boring New Mexico. What else is there to do?

Don’t poo-poo the woo-woo…and, in the words of the wise Dine medicine man I met with on the Navajo Nation last July, “Do not trust anyone.”

I almost forgot to mention that the probably cloaked grey alien artist I met in Los Angeles years ago doesn’t exist. I should say, doesn’t exist in any records or databases I can find online. It’s really hard to not leave SOME type of digital footprint, but, he’s GONE…totally disappeared off the face of the planet without a trace. That’s a bit of confirmation that he was not as he seemed from first glance. He was extremely psychic and knew very high level science and astronomy stuff. Talking to him was super fascinating, but eventually got really creepy regarding his views about kids, etc. When I got weirded out and decided to distance myself from him, he suddenly vanished. I’m pretty sure he picked up that I picked up what he was.

Best wishes always, and in all ways…


(I miss you Am, Maria, and Conrad. I hope you’re enjoying great jazz up there.)

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