RFK, Jr.’s Family Cheerleaders in Spirit

Today’s video is longer than I intended and went all over the place, but I’m posting it anyway. My only getting 1-2 hours of sleep per night for years is taking a toll and it was hard to stay focused. Granted, having SO many of Bobby, Jr.’s family members chime in was difficult to manage! Everyone was talking at once. He’s got a BIG family! It’s actually embarrassing regarding how little I know about the entire Kennedy family and it’s history. I did have to look up Patricia Kennedy to see who the Patricia was who started talking to me in between Jack and Bobby, Sr. By the way, it was Peter Lawford she was married to. I had a total brain fart. Reading about Patricia’s interest in Hollywood and producing, her attitude toward her brothers in spirit made sense. She was kind of directing/producing the conversation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Kennedy_Lawford

Here are links to the two pictures of John Kennedy I found online that made the clairvoyant image of a lasso (with rodeo) make sense. I love that he wanted me to call him Jack and not John. 🙂 I should say that HE referred to himself that way.



I had intended on just doing some regular mediumship today, but did start unexpectedly channeling toward the end of the video.

Me with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in Albuquerque on June 15, 2024. I look awful, but he looked good.

Here’s the video on Rumble.

Declare your independence! Kennedy is the remedy!

In Light,


#Kennedy24 #KennedyShanahan24

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