New Mexico, the Land of Entrapment/Enchantment

Leaving RFK, Jr.’s event on Saturday, I got chatting with this lady on the Albuquerque street. Like me, she’s psychic. We were commiserating about why we’re in New Mexico when this place is such a struggle. Both of us have been “called” here. She was laughing saying that she bought a house in Albuquerque and another one in Taos (wish I had that kind of 💰) with no job and doesn’t know why, but she HAD to do it. I totally got it. I told her a little bit about my Taos “calling” starting in 1998 when I lived in Los Angeles, and she understood. Not many do. What does this place want from us?!

I cannot tell you how many people I have met who had no intentions on moving to Taos, but either had their car break down there and couldn’t leave or we’re passing through and couldn’t leave. I’m at one woman years ago up in Taos who was just passing through the town on her way back from Sedona. She owned a ranch in Wyoming or Montana. Anyway, she immediately knew she needed to sell her ranch and move to Taos and did not know why. I wonder whatever became of her? I met her at a hostel in Arroyo Seco. She had no clue what she was going to do, but she knew she had to be there. I met a Scandinavian man who was working at the hostel and when I asked him how the heck he ended up in little Taos, he said that he closed his eyes and threw a dart at a map of the world and it landed on Taos so he moved there. I met other people in Taos who had moved there because of a dream and they didn’t know how they were going to survive. This kind of thing happens a lot through various parts of New Mexico. I have heard similar stories about Santa Fe.

I mentioned to a friend today that the first time I visited New Mexico in August of 1998, when I crossed the border between Arizona and New Mexico I was slammed with really strong spirit tingles. The energy changed dramatically at the state line. I met another woman who was living in the Chicago area and started having dreams about this state. She wasn’t exactly sure where it was, but she knew it was in New Mexico somewhere. She relocated to the Albuquerque area and, I think, to this day is still looking for the exact location of where she has been told she needs to open a healing center. As part of her dream years ago, she was shown this vista and heard a voice say “People come here to heal.” While exploring Placitas years ago, she looked out and saw a view that was extremely similar to what she has seen in the dream but not 100% perfect. She had a strong feeling the place she is supposed to open a healing center is south of Albuquerque.

I have been brought to New Mexico three times so far. There are a lot of us. We are brought here and we can’t stand it and leave and are forced to come back. The most extreme example I have met was a woman who left 11 times and came back. Shirley MacLaine mentioned that New Mexico sits on a crystal grid and that is why it is so powerful. I will admit that when I got lost hiking in Ojo Caliente a few years ago, I suddenly noticed there were big quartz crystals sticking out of the ground everywhere! No wonder that area is known for its healing and rebirthing properties. I experienced a spontaneous rebirthing there during my first visit in August of 1998. It was both very scary and incredible at the same time. I will never forget what I was shown.

Until we meet again,

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